Are You on Candid Camera?

March 6, 2007

I listen to AM radio a lot. What can I say? I’m a talk radio junkie. Today, during the drive home from work, I was cycling through the stations looking for something that would stick (because Michael Savage wasn’t as captivating as usual), and I caught a few words — a few phrases, really — that are resonating with me right now, two hours later. The speaker said, “… one thing that all rich people have in common is that they are always working. The people who make it in life are the people who work hard and work late, and they are almost always doing something to further their financial interests…”

Those words are playing over and over in my pate right now, as I ponder the prodigious work ethic of one particular prostitute down in Portland, known to many of you as Sexy Shayla.

What’s that you say? A hooker with a strong work ethic? Oh, yes… yes, indeed. You see, not only is Shayla a full service (and Greek-friendly) provider, and not only does she run her very own pooner forum, but she also has her very own porn site. And that’s where things get a little bit funny (read: blog-worthy). Here, I’ll throw out a couple bits of text from each site, and you can tell me if you see what I’m talking about.

From Shayla’s prostitution site,

* Incall: 10am to 5pm Every Day

And now, from Shayla’s porn site,

I also have a voyeur cam in my house streaming 24/7…you can spy on me any time you like.

I dunno ’bout y’all, but if I were to see Shayla… it’s gonna be outcall.

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